Our Emergency Medicine sub-internship is a four-week elective designed to allow medical students to experience the primary Level 1 referral center for the 1.5 million people of Suffolk County. As a rotating medical student you will work directly with EM residents and attendings and be encouraged to participate in all aspects of patient care. Our goal is for you to feel challenged, engaged, and ultimately part of our EM team.
Students will work a total of 16 eight-hour shifts, with a focus on the initial evaluation and stabilization of the diverse patient population seen. The shifts will be a mix of days, evenings, and overnights and will expose students to all areas of the department.
During the month, students will spend time in the Pediatric Emergency Department which is staffed 24/7 by Pediatric EM-trained faculty. They will rotate through our Immediate Care area designed for lower acuity patients as well as our main Acute areas. In addition, they will have the opportunity to spend time in the Resuscitation and Acute Critical Care Unit (RACCU) where the sickest patients are resuscitated in an area created to function as an ED ICU, one of only a handful in the country.
Throughout the month students will have the opportunity to work directly with internationally-known educators. Furthermore, there are many fellows who serve as attending physicians, such as those in our international medicine, ultrasound, EMS, and advanced resuscitation training programs.
In addition to an exceptional clinical experience, students will attend weekly hands-on procedure training labs, learning such skills as suturing, IV placement, splinting, airway management (including cricothyroidotomy), chest tubes, and central venous access. Case simulation sessions will focus on shock and resuscitation, trauma, airway, and pediatric emergencies.
Medical students enrolled in a U.S. medical school can register for the course using the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS).