Severe HTN typically defined as SBP > 180, DBP > 110, and/or MAP >135
MUST be associated with end organ damage
Hypertensive encephalopathy
CRAO / Retinal hemorrhage
SCAPE / heart failure
Has significant morbidity and mortality
***If no end organ damage present: HTN Urgency, hypertensive crisis, malignant HTN

Chemistry, CBC
UA! To look for proteinuria, RBCs
+/- CTH based on chief complaint, symptoms
Evidence for Management:
AHA/ACC (American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology) and the ESC (European Society of Cardiology):
Reducing BP by maximum of 25% in the first hour
Then, 160/100-110 over the next 2-6hrs
Aortic Dissection
Pheochromocytoma crisis

Don't forget to ask:
HTN meds, compliance
New meds: cough/cold meds, illicit drugs (cocaine, meth), serotonergic meds
Recent pregnancy, post-partum status
Sodium intake
Alcohol use
When to use what:
HEART FAILURE: consider diuretics, BIPAP, nitro
ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE: lower BP to <185/110 prior to intervention; use nicardipine, clevidipine, or labetalol
STEMI: nitrates!, betablockers (metoprolol) ? Probably reduce long-term risk for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality but avoid steep drop in BP
ICH: SBP <140 (but not <130); use nicardipine or labetalol
AORTIC DISSECTION: SBP <120, use esmolol; if contraindication to beta blockers, can use diltiazem or verapamil; can also use vasodilators
HTN ENCEPHALOPATHY: dec map BY 20-25%, use nicardipine or labetalol
Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia: goal <140/90; use IV labetalol, hydralazine, or oral nifedipine
Mg loading dose of 4-6g IV over 20-30 min, then 1-2g/hr
AKI: dec ABP or MAP by 25%; use nicardipine, labetalol, clevidipine
BP comes down and you decide to send them home; are you sending them home with Rx?
Recent studies say no if no end organ damage
Rapid follow up is appropriate
Extra Pearls
Consider using MAP instead of only SBP/DBP
If HTN emergency, use short acting IV anti HTN meds that allow for titration
Sara Rosenzweig, MD