Our Department
ED Blueprint

Critical Care
This is the portion of the Emergency Department that sees the highest acuity patients. It is a 12 room, each room having the capacity for two patients. Each room is equipped with an airway box, central line kits and everything needed to resuscitate a critically ill patient. We also have three trauma bays with all supplies needed for intubation, central lines, chest tubes as well as ample room to work. This area of the ED has at least two ultrasound machines. It is located across the hall from the Emergency Department CT scan and down the hall from the Emergency Department MRI. It is on the same floor as the main OR. It is staffed by one attending and two residents at a given time. It is a 24 hour unit.

Acute ED (red, Blue and Green)
This section of the Emergency Department is a 45 bed unit along with one dental room. Acute is split up into Red, Blue and Green, each staffed by an attending. We can have anywhere between two residents to four residents as well as physician assistants staffing the area at a time. We see level 2, 3, and 4 acuity patients with varying chief complaints. All non-critical patients with traumatic injuries are seen in the Green ED. We have an ultrasound machine at our disposal as well as a radiology reading room in the core of Red/Blue. These areas are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Clinical Decision Unit
This is our newest area called the Clinical Decision Unit. It is an observation unit so that patients who do not warrant immediate admission can be observed and reassessed for a longer period of time before discharge

Pediatric Emergency Department
This is a 9 bed unit which is entirely devoted to seeing patients under the age of 18. It is elaborately decorated and has a beautiful fish tank in order to create a nonthreatening environment to children. This area is staffed by one pediatric emergency medicine attending as well as one general pediatric attending. It is also staffed by a combination of two to five emergency medicine and pediatric residents. This area is also equipped with an ultrasound machine. It is a 24hr, 7 day a week unit.