Welcome to the Stony Brook University Hospital Emergency Medicine Website. Our environment and location fosters a vibrant and challenging program. The Emergency Department services a large and varied population often with complex and rare medical illnesses. We are fortunate to work alongside a seasoned emergency nursing staff and have a courteous and experienced clinical assistant (CA) staff which assists in our daily routine. The support staff allows physicians (residents and attendings) to direct their efforts towards the clinical, academic and research missions of our program and hospital.
The goal of the Emergency Medicine Residency at Stony Brook University Hospital is to produce physicians who excel in patient care, teaching and research. Three major attributes of our program set us apart from others.
Stony Brook University Hospital is the tertiary care medical center for the 1.5 million residents of Suffolk County, NY. The Emergency Department services a large and varied population often with complex and rare medical illnesses. Exposure to a broad range of medical maladies and injuries serves as the foundation for the development of a perceptive and knowledgeable emergency physician.
The Department of Emergency Medicine has strong roots in the university system. We exist as both an independent department of the hospital as well as a department within the medical school. As such, we have the ability to foster academic interests and graduate physicians with a strong background in medical education.
The department has a strong commitment to emergency medicine research. We are fortunate to employ a full-time staff, which includes a full-time statistician and a basic science researcher, whose sole responsibility is to support the research efforts of the department. Under the mentorship of Dr Adam Singer, our residents have ample opportunity to explore and develop a background in research.
The face of Emergency Medicine is constantly evolving. We are committed to making strides and advancing the educational experience of our residents. We view our residency program as a continuous work in progress and look forward to the future of emergency medicine.
Scott Johnson, MD